I have no idea where to start. So, I'll just dive right in, start typing, and see where it takes us.
I've been thinking about this blog for quite a long time now, and have been wanting to update, and then I don't know where to go with it, so I leave the idea at that.
But, in the last while, Jesus has been doing a lot in my heart and life, and I want to share it..to do what I think He's asking me. And maybe part of it involves this little space here. It's easy to let social media steal time, (or rather consume my time) and keep me from doing the important things. It's always at the tip of my fingers, and all those notifications are just....distracting. I'm trying to "de-clutter" my life. To clear some things out. In my heart, in my home, and cut out some of my big "time-wasters". Its been a battle of the mind, for sure. I love some aspects of it (Instagram, especially) and don't really want to give them up, yet part of me longs for a bit of a more "simple" life. SO, all that to say, I'm choosing to cut it out, delete it and spend more time with my boys, and reading some really good books. I love reading, and find that right now, I never have time for it.
I decided that I would resurrect this blog, and try to do some more of my "documenting" on here, and keep it more current. If you want to keep up with our family, then this might be the place to do it. :)
I always love writing, and am planning on making it a bit more priority.
It's hard to believe that December is upon us, and Christmas is almost here! Seriously! 2018 is nearly over already. But, we are preeeetty excited about the NEW YEAR! Sometime the beginning of January, a little baby girl is expected to arrive, and we couldn't be more thrilled. I'm thankful that the last month of waiting is full of Christmas and all the fun, and activities it brings, to help the time go faster at the end, when everything feels big and bulky, cumbersome, and sometimes a bit miserable.
We've been trying to finish up a lot of projects around here that have been on the go for a long time, and it feels SO good! Just a bit more painting in the nursery and then decorate it, wash the clothes, ( do a wee but more shopping) and then enjoy the busy, beautiful month of Celebrating the Birth of our Saviour, and making more fun memories and traditions with our boys.
I decided yesterday that I'm officially done decorating for Christmas and am ready to soak in and enjoy all the beauty around us.
May you bask in the Love, and the Light of the world this week, as you anticipate Christmas, and what it actually means in our hearts and lives. Share it with others.
Lets not keep it to ourselves, friends!
Resolved to Worship
Here is a place to share little snippits of our life. My yours be blessed and refreshed after our visit!
Sunday, December 09, 2018
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Up To Date
How does one begin, after ignoring the blog for almost 2 years? I can't believe time goes so incredibly fast! I have been wanting to pick the blogging thing back up more consistently for a long time now, but once you've waited so long, it's hard to know where and how to start.... so then you push it off again, and again, and again. And then, you decide there is no time like the present. :)
So much life has happened since July of 2015. We have moved, and settled, at least somewhat. With all the moving I've done in my life, I feel this time, moving back from BC, to Southern Ontario, has been the hardest. After being gone a year and a half, its not as easy to jump back into life in the same community as I thought it would be.
In January, of 2016, baby boy number three joined our family.. such a darling little bundle of cuddles, joy and laughter. He's definitely the 3rd born, and has the clowny sense of humor.
So much life has happened since July of 2015. We have moved, and settled, at least somewhat. With all the moving I've done in my life, I feel this time, moving back from BC, to Southern Ontario, has been the hardest. After being gone a year and a half, its not as easy to jump back into life in the same community as I thought it would be.
In January, of 2016, baby boy number three joined our family.. such a darling little bundle of cuddles, joy and laughter. He's definitely the 3rd born, and has the clowny sense of humor.
Dietrich William
Baby's 1st Birthday!
When Dietrich was just 3.5 weeks old, we packed our bags, and went to SMBI once again, and Graham directed the choir, as well as taught a class... it was an incredibly stretching time for all of us. Trying to adjust to life as a family of 5, having daddy heavily involved in school life, and all the post-baby hormones that were raging, in the new mama. :) We made it through the 6 weeks of school, and then it was off on the 3 week choir tour. Hmm..looking back, I know there are some things I would love to do differently, but we did the best we could in the middle of it all, and we made it. :) The tour started in California, and went up along the West Coast.. through Oregon, Washington, and up into beautiful British Columbia, than back down into the states, and across the country, to PA.
My Handsome Choir Director Husband & I
at the Ice Fields in Jasper Parks
The Choir
(I really do love the Northwest!!)
The weekend we got back from tour, my younger brother got married to a wonderful girl, so we hunkered down in a cabin with my family, and kept on going, through the wedding weekend. It was a beautiful wedding, and I'm super happy, that my little brother found such a sweet girl, to walk through life with him! I don't have the greatest pictures, but stole from family emails, and facebook and came up with a few. ;)
Micah and Carissa
(April 30th 2016)
My Favourite People
Darling Brothers
(and goodness...they look like such squishy little babies!)
Nieces and Nephews
Micah looks a liiiitle too pleased here.. ;)
In September, we had the second family wedding for the year... My little sister Camille.
So, the end of August, we packed our bags again, and headed out across the country, to spend a little time in Oregon before the wedding.. It was a wonderful time of year to be in Oregon, and prepare for her dreamy outdoor wedding, in Dad and Mom's back yard.
Davie and Camille
September 3, 2016
Such a fun, beautiful day!
Another Nieces and Nephews shot. Just look at all of the babies. 😍
And allll of the emotions that go along with weddings and taking pictures. Ha.
The Krabill Clan
Some Gorgeous Detail
Flower Girl, and her Escort
(He kinda wanted her job! :) )
Such a Beautiful Wedding!
Loved all of the flowers!
A magical ending to a perfect day!
I absolutely love weddings, and Davie & Camille's certainly did not disappoint! So happy she found herself such a good life companion! (Or rather, for the way God lead them together!) I pretty much love the fact that she (and Micah & Carissa) live *only* 8 hours from me now, instead of 40.
The day after the wedding we loaded our little family back up and headed home, driving once more allll the way across the country. Its SUCH a long drive, and we were more than happy to pull into the drive-way!! All of the gorgeous Maple tree's in our yard were starting to color....and the Fall had SO much beautiful weather.
We also discovered there would be an exciting arrival in the Spring.....!
(which is now just a few short weeks away!!)
In November, Graham very unexpectedly lost his job. I always wondered what that must feel like for people, but never expected it would be us. He got a text message from his boss on a Sunday night about an hour before leaving for church (Graham was supposed to have a topic that night....talk about hard to focus!!) saying that as of tomorrow, (Monday) the business would be closed, and they could come by anytime that day to pick up any personal belongings they may have left behind.
We were left reeling, wondering what God's plan could be for us. Why this? Why now?? So many questions, racing through our minds..and questions that I never thought I would ask, or think were now surfacing. How can this be the best, God? It has been such a huge journey of Faith and Trust, and quite possibly the hardest, longest Winter. We felt very clearly that God had a purpose in all of it, and wanted to know what His best plan for our family, was. He had several job opportunities, but nothing felt clear, and Graham is not the type to run into something without knowing its where he is supposed to be. So, we took a little time to think about it. For a couple of years now, we have been involved with Plexus, so were wondering if we should pursue the home-business route for our main income, or not? It was the dream we had, for quite a while, so maybe it was Gods way of telling us to go for it?!
Graham started up some baking on the side, just from home, and we are going with the home-business thing. So thankful that we had that option. I'll be honest. It hasnt all been easy. There are a lot of opinions, and somehow other people can sometimes *see* and *know* what we should be doing, even if we don't feel it. We are learning that we have to listen to, and follow GOD's plan for our lives, and where we feel him calling, rather than following man. Otherwise you would end up doing 10 different things, and...well, that really doesn't work out too good at all! I have to lay aside what others think, not let it bother me or get me down, and put my focus on Jesus....continuing on the path HE has for us/me.
It really did send me in a spin (not to mention those pregnancy hormones rolling around, making it a little more dramatic..hehe) and I feel like just now, maaaybe I'm finally able to sit down, write out my goals and go for them! Most of my January, February and even March, were spent searching, crying, questioning, feeling abandoned, and seeking Jesus for comfort. I'm so thankful for my husband, and the rock he was for me during those long Winter months... I have to say, he put up with a lot! The struggle isn't over, and I certainly haven't "arrived", but Spring is coming, I feel Hope and Joy, around the corner! We weren't promised an easy road, but we were Promised, that our Saviour would be with us ever step of the way. Weather we feel His presence or not, He is there, and for that, I am truly grateful!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Stepping into the Unknown.
Everytime I think about sitting down to do another post, I push the thought away. I mean, how do you even start, when there is so much happening and changing in our family. All. The. Time?
When I married Graham, I always knew life with him would be exciting...but little did I know there would be so much adventure. So much change. So much moving. So much laughter. So many tears. So many good times..Just so much.
In March, we moved from our little single wide, to a lovely, spacious basement suite. I always said I never wanted to live in a basement.. but when we walked into this one, I knew right away I would change my mind, and it would be a nice upgrade from what we were living in. We settled in here, and thought the year we had (till they were going to put the house on the market) would go by way too fast. BUT, you might as well settle in and enjoy it. Which is exactly what we did!
In May, an interesting thing happened. One morning, my husband and I were sitting down for our devotions, and we read "Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?"-Proverbs 20:24
We were talking after we were done reading, about the above verse..Graham wondering what it really means. I replied, "well, if we would be called back to Ontario, we really wouldn't understand the whole reasoning why He brought us out here, and then back there again. And, probably most people wouldn't understand. But, if we allow God to direct our paths, we won't always understand, and they won't always make sense to our way of thinking." End of discussion.
Later that morning, something came up, that totally "forced" us to think about moving back. Graham was not excited. At all. And pretty much right then, I knew he thought we would be staying... He absolutely loves it out here in BC. But, I just had this feeling that we were going to be moving. I tried not to bring it up too much, or in my excitement, put pressure on him. It was just a waiting/praying/trusting game. We had a trip planned for 3 weeks later. While we were there, we looked at this big old farmhouse that is for rent...but needs lots of interior renovations. Still no answer...still waiting to see what the Lord would do.
There was a deadline of sorts for our decision to be made...but we came home, undecided...more unsure than ever. However, it didn't take a whole lot longer till we felt clear direction from the Lord. We would go. The morning after we decided, we found out the house we are in now, was getting put on the market sooner than expected...confirmation? Yes. A big one.
I needn't say I'm excited. A big old farmhouse, is something I have dreamed about fixing up ever since I was a little girl. And, even though we won't be doing extensive remodel...it's still the same idea...changing it from old and drab, to beautiful, and clean and fresh. And just Farmhouse. Not to mention there are over a dozen huge old Maple trees in the gorgeous yard.
We are excited, but it is still a lot of change going on, and we are still trusting and waiting to see what His path may bring us to.
When I married Graham, I always knew life with him would be exciting...but little did I know there would be so much adventure. So much change. So much moving. So much laughter. So many tears. So many good times..Just so much.
In March, we moved from our little single wide, to a lovely, spacious basement suite. I always said I never wanted to live in a basement.. but when we walked into this one, I knew right away I would change my mind, and it would be a nice upgrade from what we were living in. We settled in here, and thought the year we had (till they were going to put the house on the market) would go by way too fast. BUT, you might as well settle in and enjoy it. Which is exactly what we did!
In May, an interesting thing happened. One morning, my husband and I were sitting down for our devotions, and we read "Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?"-Proverbs 20:24
We were talking after we were done reading, about the above verse..Graham wondering what it really means. I replied, "well, if we would be called back to Ontario, we really wouldn't understand the whole reasoning why He brought us out here, and then back there again. And, probably most people wouldn't understand. But, if we allow God to direct our paths, we won't always understand, and they won't always make sense to our way of thinking." End of discussion.
Later that morning, something came up, that totally "forced" us to think about moving back. Graham was not excited. At all. And pretty much right then, I knew he thought we would be staying... He absolutely loves it out here in BC. But, I just had this feeling that we were going to be moving. I tried not to bring it up too much, or in my excitement, put pressure on him. It was just a waiting/praying/trusting game. We had a trip planned for 3 weeks later. While we were there, we looked at this big old farmhouse that is for rent...but needs lots of interior renovations. Still no answer...still waiting to see what the Lord would do.
There was a deadline of sorts for our decision to be made...but we came home, undecided...more unsure than ever. However, it didn't take a whole lot longer till we felt clear direction from the Lord. We would go. The morning after we decided, we found out the house we are in now, was getting put on the market sooner than expected...confirmation? Yes. A big one.
I needn't say I'm excited. A big old farmhouse, is something I have dreamed about fixing up ever since I was a little girl. And, even though we won't be doing extensive remodel...it's still the same idea...changing it from old and drab, to beautiful, and clean and fresh. And just Farmhouse. Not to mention there are over a dozen huge old Maple trees in the gorgeous yard.
We are excited, but it is still a lot of change going on, and we are still trusting and waiting to see what His path may bring us to.
Our New Home
We are planning to move early Fall. Can't wait to get there and get to work, fixing it up, and making it our own!
So there is a little update of what's been going on over here...
Maybe it will happen a little more often, since it's a little bit dusted off...but no promises. Life as a mommy...you never know. :)
Have a blessed week!
Monday, January 26, 2015
It's easy for me to daydream.
It's easy to think of all of the things I should be doing.
It's easy to want to be more disciplined.
It's easy to think things will "happen" easier, next month. Or year. Whatever.
It's easy to journal about the things I want to change.
The personal growth I would like to see.
It's easy to think of all of the things I should be doing.
It's easy to want to be more disciplined.
It's easy to think things will "happen" easier, next month. Or year. Whatever.
It's easy to journal about the things I want to change.
The personal growth I would like to see.
Today, I realized that I want more.
More of Jesus
More of HIS love
More quality time with my boys
More "at home" dates with my husband.
More thanksgiving.
More Joy.
More contentment.
More patience.
More resting.
More music.
(in my heart)
More Reflection.
More anticipation.
And, the list could go on. It's so often, that I just sit here, and think of the things that I should change. I should do something profitable with my time. Instead of taking 5 minutes to "check my email" (or whatever it may be ) 5 times a day.. Why don't I sit down and read my almost-2-year-old a story.
Or, get down on the floor and play "choo-choo" with him...or cars...or balls..or whatever.
Why don't I get down and tickle the baby on the floor.
Or, get down on my knees by my bed for some communion with my Precious Jesus.?
Or, pull out my journal and pen, and jot down 10 things on my "thankful list"?
What about taking a few minutes to write a little note of blessing/encouragement to a friend?
Jesus...Help me to cultivate more of this into my life... more of You.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
4 Months.. A Happy December.. and A Merry Christmas!
A 4-month-old in my house again. How is it that the time can go so terribly FAST! I took these on the 10th (the day he "turned" 4 months) with every intention of posting them in the next day or two. Weelll...you could say those days kinda stretched into a few weeks.. Oh well. It doesn't change the fact that this darling child is growing sweeter, and more chubby/squishy with every passing day. Those darling blue eyes, that twinkle and sparkle with mischief, positively melt this heart of mine.
The child absolutely LOVEs his bath time, and is learning what waving his arms and kicking does.
#1. Makes the big brother giggle
#2. makes water fly everywhere, which, trust me, is a great thrill!

The child absolutely LOVEs his bath time, and is learning what waving his arms and kicking does.
#1. Makes the big brother giggle
#2. makes water fly everywhere, which, trust me, is a great thrill!
Lights. They are my new best friend when it comes to taking pictures. I might just add them to every photo-shoot from now on. I mean seriously...they are SO entertaining! :)
And the pudgy little fingers... uhhh.. mommy-life is so rewarding in SO many ways.
Dear child..how I love your frizzy/fuzzy curly baby hair.
Oh dear Jesus..how can I be so Blessed? How can these jewels be OURS?
Mommy-life is certainly not without it's trials though... we won't tell you how long it took me to get the big brother to get down there beside Hudson... how many tears we had to wipe, and stories we promised to read. I think he lasted down there for a total of 20 seconds. With a camera that takes 10 seconds to actually take the photo, once the shutter button is pressed.. it's trying. ALL I want is a few little photos of my boys at Christmas time! I'm trying to figure out how to get pics, and not provoke the eldest to small anger fits... how much do you force it, just for what I want? And yet, he needs to learn to do what I say...but... and that can be taken to so many different area's of life. Kenden is really developing his own little attitude, that makes me want to pull out my hair and cry. Yet, I love to see it, and I know that he just needs some direction, as to where to go with it. So, I pray and pray, and hope, and as for wisdom to know how to channel that.
Real boys love bacon! :)
His favourite Sunday night routine... helping daddy make "pop-pop". (popcorn.)
Some beautiful Winter scenes out my window. LOVE Winter in the North.
We are all getting excited about having a Christmas up here. Graham will be off work in a few hours (yay) and the boys and I are starting on the evenings snacks and supper.
Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas...!
May you experience HIS peace and JOY and love, as you reflect on the reason for the season. And, may we never forget what He gave up, to come to earth to save us...on the First Christmas.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Why I tried Plexus (plus a little give-away!)
** Congratulations to Katherine! I will be shipping your 7-day SLIM sample in the mail, ASAP. :)
Why Plexus, you may ask?
It's a fair question.. a year ago, I never would have dreamed I would be doing what I am. I had heard about this thing called "The Pink Drink" ...but never gave it serious thought..pretty much, my only thoughts where "whatever". Glad these people have something that they claim works...but me? Why would I spend money on something like this??
Well...why did I?
It was after Hudson was born.. I was SO. Tired. ALL. the. TIME! Always dragging, never feeling motivated, etc...etc... but, I thought it would all pass with time.
That wasn't all.
Graham was the same way...only worse. I felt like we would never have quality time again...unless it was soon after he had 14 hours of strait-sleep. (which, let me tell you, never happened. ) He felt itchy, and gross, in general. And I was MORE than ready to have my husband back. Maybe I would eventually snap out of whatever post-baby symptoms I was having..but Him? He didn't have a reason. Something was wrong..and I was actually starting to get a little worried.
I decided I would look into Plexus a little more, and see what it actually does . Well, before I got the chance, we were in Oregon for one of my child-hood friends wedding.. when another dear friend, while catching up on life a little, mentioned how much better she was feeling...and how Plexus had given her so much hope.
Hmm..I thought it was interesting that she threw in that little tid-bit about Plexus...shoved it off till I got home, and started researching it. Meanwhile, Graham is feeling extremely skeptical..but I was more and more determined to try it..even if just for HIS sake. I kept seeing things like "healthy blood sugar levels...weight loss...increased energy...clears brain-fog... " just to name a few.
Once it came, and we were on it a week, I started noticing differences. Graham was no longer falling asleep in the evenings... I could sit through church without fighting sleep dreadfully..my sugar cravings went away...some of my extra stubborn #'s were melting off... My crazy emotions weren't all over the place anymore. Wow.
I'm not here to say that it completely cures 100 % of lifes problems..but it has definitely been a life-CHANGER for us! I am SO grateful for this all-natural product that has helped so.many.people. around the world.
SO, I'm sure many of you have been hearing about this, and I don't know if you've been wondering what it is exactly, and how it works...or maybe you've been wanting to TRY the stuff?? (it's really quite yummy, by the way :)) But, I'm going to do a little give-away that I'm kind of excited about!
Ready? :)
Just watch this little video, and tell me something you learned in the comments below, or on my facebook post.
I will announce the winner of a 7-day trial pack of SLIM
on Wednesday, Dec. 17th.
Looking forward to hearing from you. :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
18 Months
Once upon a time, there was born a little boy. The little boy stole his mothers heart. (well...the part babies can steal, anyway. :) )And every day since then, the mother was in awe of the small boy. How could she be so incredibly blessed. Not only to have a child, but one as sweet and cute and precious, as the one Jesus sent to her.
Now, I'm having a hard time believing he is already 1 1/2!!? Where does the time go, anyway?
He is such a little charmer these days..busy busy, running through the house. Some of his favourite things: playing with balls, and cars and trucks..and looking at (reading to himself) books. Right now, his absolute fav is "The Little Red Caboose". Love hearing his "choo-choo" noises.
He also has to make sure the every time the train goes by, I pick him up, so he can see it go by, from the window. Sometimes it's a little inconvenient, when I'm in the middle of something..(like feeding Hudson) but then I think about the fact, that every time I hear a train, probably for the rest of my life, I will remember my little boy, pulling on my skirt, dancing around saying "choo-choo", while pounding his hand on his chest. (saying "please") When I think about it that way, it's not too hard to stop what I'm doing, and lift him up to see the train. I know all to well, that time is not standing still, and before I know it...I won't even be able to pick him up anymore.
He also goes basically NO WHERE, without the precious little bunny. You will see it couldn't even stay out of the pictures. Has to at LEAST be in a few.
Oh, but I love him.
Graham's brother, Garett, came to visit us, the beginning of the month, and with him, he brought this amazing camera of his, along with a boat-load of talent. And, he captured these precious photos of our firstborn. Just so you are aware...all credits go to him. :)
If anyone wants some photo-treasures, look him up!
And now... here's my big boy. I could not seem to pick a favourite...once again.
So, you get to see all of my favourites. :)
Those eyes...they just melt me in a big, messy puddle.
Another one of his favourite things right now, is sitting on the little white chair, by the window, eating his snack of apple slices, watching it "now" (snow)
I treasure this boy sooo much. I am so blessed, that Jesus saw it best to send him to our home. To allow me to be his mama. To teach him life lessons...about God, and His wonderful plan for our lives..as well as learning from him. He has already taught me so much. I've learned how truly selfish I really am.
But, I've also experienced a love, that I never knew existed.
Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did. But, I guess I wouldn't expect that...maybe half as much. :)
Happy week to one and all.
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