He's growing so fast! How can my baby be so big already? In the last few weeks it seems as though he has changed from being a little baby to a.. well, I guess a big boy. Yet still baby. However that works.
Last weekend we were in Indiana, and he went swimming for the first time. He loved it!! He has always liked bath time, so I figured he would like this too.. it was so much fun! I think we need a kiddy pool now. For Kenden, of course.. :) I mean what better way to spend a hot afternoon with your baby!?
I love his grin. Pure joy here...
So the other day, I finally finally took the time to just take his 4 month pictures. It seems like plans change so fast around here. I had "plans" to get them done a week (or two) earlier..but it didn't happen. He was feeling very sober, but still incredibly darling if I may say so myself.
He's just discovering his feet, and how much fun it is to play with them..although it sometimes takes a little while for him to actually get his toes close enough to grab. I could just sit and watch him play for a long time.
Yes, he recently figured out how to roll over. I guess we've reached the end of putting him on the floor, and expecting to come back 5 minutes later with him in the same spot. :)
Kenden, I love being your mama more and more.. You grow so fast that it's sometimes hard for me to keep up with you. You have the most beautiful blue eyes that melt my heart every time I look into them. You are discovering how much fun it is to drink water out of a cup like daddy and I. You also watch the spoon from the plate to our mouths.. you squeal and laugh when daddy takes you on little "airplane" rides. You love your bath time more every day. I'm beginning to think it's the highlight of your day when daddy takes you up there for some fun in the water, before tucking you in your own little bed. You have taught me so much in the past 41/2 months.. how to love deeper, how to treasure those little every-day moments more than before, because you grow and change so fast.. to thank God more often for the many blessings He sends us.. you being the very biggest one that He's sent your daddy and I. I pray every day that you will grow up to be a strong man of God, and help make a difference in the eternal destiny of at least one lost soul. Son, I always want you to know/remember that I love you... more than you will ever be able to grasp. I'm praying that somehow, you will be able to look past the many mistakes that we make, and see Jesus in our lives.. and one day you will ask Him to rule yours as well. All my love, your mama
** I started this post a week ago now, I believe... yes life is busy being a mama, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. God has blessed us beyond measure. Remember to Worship Him in the daily.