Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Finally Settled.

 Yes, we are feeling settled. And is it ever a wonderful feeling!?! We were mostly done unpacking for a few days now...but last night we sorted through a few "leftover" things, and hauled out the last box. I still have a picture to hang and I sign to move...the baby room is not yet complete..I'm kind of thinking I will wait to finish decorating in there until the littlest member of the family makes his/her appearance.

Anyway, for now, things are where they will be for a while, and I feel like I can relax a little, and work on some of those projects that are calling my name before sweet bebe arrives. Time is really flying by, and it will be here before we know it. 

Why don't we start out with a few of this little Charmer that knows just how to melt mama's heart. 

Wanna kiss, anyone? 

Mmm...that quinoa salad is just soo good..and that spoon too fun to let sit. Yes, I think I will just go ahead and enjoy some before it actually makes it to the table. 

He's such a great helper already!

Welcome to our home..it's tiny, it's not perfect..but it's cozy, and everything has a place, and we are happy. So happy to be settled in.

Like I said...we are still waiting for the "perfect thing" for a few places, but I don't mind...So glad we don't have to be perfect, or have everything perfect. 


I guess that's it for now. No outside pictures...but that will happen later. I hope, anyway. :) I'm trying to learn not to make any rash promises, that I might not be able to keep. 

I hope you enjoyed the little peek into our home and lives. Please, please feel free to come visit us!
 The coffee will be ready in just a few minutes. 

Blessings on your night....

Monday, June 09, 2014


It's so precious! 

Yesterday we spent the day (well, most of it, anyway) at home, since the little Mr. is still getting over his little bout with chickenpox. It was actually quite lovely and relaxing just to sit back, enjoy together time, and spend time worshiping and singing...just us. At home. Even though things aren't in perfect order around here, we are very, very happy to be moved in. The big day was a week ago, Saturday. It was long, it was tiring, but it was oh-so-good. I will never be able to explain how wonderful it was to sleep in our own bed again..! Ok..I guess I'm a little off the subject here. Couldn't help myself...just got a little carried away. More on the big move, and our house in another post, on another day. Once things are a little more picture worthy. :)

Back to family. :) We were at the park for a little while in the afternoon, and little man loved every.single.minute.  I'll let these pictures tell you just how much. 

 This one..yes, it melts me. I am so thankful my son has such a wonderful daddy.
 In the last week it seems, Kenden has become much more attached to Graham. Something I love to watch. He has always been such a mama's baby, Graham had to make him stay on his lap sometimes...just so he could actually hold him (and give my arms a break). But that's changing. Now.. he's wanting daddy. Makes my heart swell with joy to watch them build a relationship with each other, that I hope and pray only gets stronger with time. 

This is quite possibly my favourite picture of the two of them. Ever. 

After only a few times going down the slide with daddy, he's already ready to try it "solo". How can it be that my baby is that old already, anyway? 

I seem to have a hard time picking my favourites. So..all of the "favourites" just get dumped on here. :)
Such handsome men, if I may say so myself. 

Later in the evening, we decided to go outside and see if we could snap a few pictures. Well...we were out there maybe 5 minutes when rain started pouring down on us.  Oh well...at least we got a few. 
Maybe more on another day? 

Then..it was to the couch for some quality snuggle time. 

I just have to learn to soak this in while I have it. Time..it's so precious, and it seems to slip away so fast. Almost without notice. Our family is soon to change again...which we are all extremely excited about. But these days, they are precious too. Time with my little boy..it will always be different, once he has to share..once I have to divide my time between two babies. 
I will always hold this darling child dear to my heart. Not saying I won't love the next as much as I love him...but sometimes I wonder if the feelings are different, after you've had your firstborn? I don't know..but I do  know that I'm so grateful for this boy...the one that gave me a new title. "Mama".