Sunday, December 09, 2018

A Little Bit Of Life

I have no idea where to start. So, I'll just dive right in, start typing, and see where it takes us.
I've been thinking about this blog for quite a long time now, and have been wanting to update, and then I don't know where to go with it, so I leave the idea at that.

But, in the last while, Jesus has been doing a lot in my heart and life, and I want to share do what I think He's asking me. And maybe part of it involves this little space here.  It's easy to let social media steal time, (or rather consume my time) and keep me from doing the important things. It's always at the tip of my fingers, and all those notifications are just....distracting. I'm trying to "de-clutter" my life. To clear some things out. In my heart, in my home, and cut out some of my big "time-wasters". Its been a battle of the mind, for sure. I love some aspects of it (Instagram, especially) and don't really want to give them up, yet part of me longs for a bit of a more "simple" life. SO, all that to say, I'm choosing to cut it out, delete it and spend more time with my boys, and reading some really good books. I love reading, and find that right now, I never have time for it.

I decided that I would resurrect this blog, and try to do some more of my "documenting" on here, and keep it more current. If you want to keep up with our family, then this might be the place to do it. :)
 I always love writing, and am planning on making it a bit more priority.

It's hard to believe that December is upon us, and Christmas is almost here! Seriously! 2018 is nearly over already. But, we are preeeetty excited about the NEW YEAR! Sometime the beginning of January, a little baby girl is expected to arrive, and we couldn't be more thrilled. I'm thankful that the last month of waiting is full of Christmas and all the fun, and activities it brings, to help the time go faster at the end, when everything feels big and bulky, cumbersome, and sometimes a bit miserable.
We've been trying to finish up a lot of projects around here that have been on the go for a long time, and it feels SO good! Just a bit more painting in the nursery and then decorate it, wash the clothes, ( do a wee but more shopping) and then enjoy the busy, beautiful month of Celebrating the Birth of our Saviour, and making more fun memories and traditions with our boys.
I decided yesterday that I'm officially done decorating for Christmas and am ready to soak in and enjoy all the beauty around us.

May you bask in the Love, and the Light of the world this week, as you anticipate Christmas, and what it actually means in our hearts and lives. Share it with others.
 Lets not keep it to ourselves, friends!