Tuesday, October 28, 2014

18 Months

Once upon a time, there was born a little boy. The little boy stole his mothers heart. (well...the part babies can steal, anyway. :) )And every day since then, the mother was in awe of the small boy. How could she be so incredibly blessed. Not only to have a child, but one as sweet and cute and precious, as the one Jesus sent to her. 

Now, I'm having a hard time believing he is already 1 1/2!!? Where does the time go, anyway? 
He is such a little charmer these days..busy busy, running through the house. Some of his favourite things: playing with balls, and cars and trucks..and looking at (reading to himself) books. Right now, his absolute fav is "The Little Red Caboose". Love hearing his "choo-choo" noises. 
He also has to make sure the every time the train goes by, I pick him up, so he can see it go by, from the window. Sometimes it's  a little inconvenient, when I'm in the middle of something..(like feeding Hudson) but then I think about the fact, that every time I hear a train, probably for the rest of my life, I will remember my little boy, pulling on my skirt, dancing around saying "choo-choo", while pounding his hand on his chest. (saying "please") When I think about it that way, it's not too hard to stop what I'm doing, and lift him up to see the train. I know all to well, that time is not standing still, and before I know it...I won't even be able to pick him up anymore. 
He also goes basically NO WHERE, without the precious little bunny. You will see it couldn't even stay out of the pictures. Has to at LEAST be in a few. 

Oh, but I love him.

Graham's brother, Garett, came to visit us, the beginning of the month, and with him, he brought this amazing camera of his, along with a boat-load of talent. And, he captured these precious photos of our firstborn. Just so you are aware...all credits go to him. :) 

If anyone wants some photo-treasures, look him up! 

And now... here's my big boy. I could not seem to pick a favourite...once again. 
So, you get to see all of my favourites. :)

Those eyes...they just melt me in a big, messy puddle. 

Another one of his favourite things right now, is sitting on the little white chair, by the window, eating his snack of apple slices, watching it "now" (snow) 

I treasure this boy sooo much. I am so blessed, that Jesus saw it best to send him to our home. To allow me to be his mama. To teach him life lessons...about God, and His wonderful plan for our lives..as well as learning from him. He has already taught me so much. I've learned how truly selfish I really am.

 But, I've also experienced a love, that I never knew existed.  

Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did. But,  I guess I wouldn't expect that...maybe half as much. :) 

Happy week to one and all.