Yesterday was a special. There was a dedication at church... for our little Hudson.
I have been thinking about dedication quite a bit. Sometimes, as a mom, even though my boys are both very young, I wonder what will happen in their life time. It's easy to wonder..
- What will they become?
-Will they be lovers and followers of Jesus?
Will the be valiant?
Will they be strong?
(not in the physical sense)
Will they be pure?
The list could go on..and I could write a paragraph about each question...with details to my questions.
What will they do for a living? Will they love music like their daddy? What part will they sing?
What will the look like? Will they get married? Who will they marry?
I think about these things, (and so many others) without racking my brain for things to worry about, and all of these questions flood my mind. I really do worry sometimes. And, I'm afraid that "sometimes" is a little more often than I care to admit.
Then I start thinking I don't pray nearly enough, for them. For all of those things I mentioned. And THEN, I fear that since I don't pray as much as I should (which would be constant) that they won't turn out. As if somehow, I can pray them into being good men. Yes, I definitely think we need to pray for our children. And I do need and want to pray more than I do..but that alone is not what will save them. They will still have a choice. I do not have to pray them into Heaven.. I do not have to keep them safe at night. I do not have to make them grow. In fact, I CAN'T do those things.. I have to give them to Jesus.. to let my worries and fears rest at HIS feet. I need to rest.
I know, that by placing them in our home, He is trusting them to our care, to nurture, to love, to pray for, to feed and cloth, to protect, etc... but they are ultimately His. So, will I willingly give them to Him? Dedicate them to Him..? Or will I pretend that I can't give them away, when really it's not my choice, anyway? He can take them when He wants..and someday, they will be making their own decisions, regardless if I want them to or not.
Anyway, it was a beautiful reminder for me, to continually dedicate them to Jesus.
That is by far, the safest place they can be.
I feel like I just let all my thoughts out there..not sure if they make complete sense or not..but there they are. and now it feels better. :)
I'm so thankful, that our loving Father sent these precious boys into our lives. Our hearts are full, We are so many ways.. I mean it's not always easy being mama. But the work is rewarding, and I could not feel more blessed.
This is beautiful, Adrienne! I love your heart. You guys get dearer to us all the time. So glad God brought you here. ~Luci